Bounded Context

Represents a part of knowledge in the domain. It is a way to define and scope (boundary) the models within a subdomain. A bounded context may have another bounded context within it.

To define a bounded context in DDD, you should follow these steps:

  1. Identify the domain model: Begin by identifying the domain model for your software system. This will involve understanding the business domain and the various entities, relationships, and processes that are involved.

  2. Define the boundaries: Once you have identified the domain model, you need to define the boundaries of the bounded context. This involves identifying the components of the system that are relevant to the domain model and defining the interfaces between them.

  3. Define the language: To facilitate communication within the team, it is important to establish a shared language for the domain model. This should include defining the terminology, concepts, and relationships that are relevant to the bounded context.

  4. Identify the relationships: Within the bounded context, there may be relationships between entities that are important to the domain model. These relationships should be identified and modeled appropriately to ensure that the domain model is accurate and complete.

  5. Establish the context map: Finally, you should establish a context map that defines the relationships between the different bounded contexts within the system. This will help to ensure that the different parts of the system are consistent and aligned with the overall goals of the business.

The following are some of the general guidelines to split a bounded context:

  • Identify the Ubiquitous Language: Start by identifying the core domain and the terminology used by stakeholders within that domain. This will help you identify the boundaries of the domain and the bounded context.

  • Evaluate Contextual Integrity: Consider the relationships between different parts of the domain and determine which elements are tightly coupled and which can be separated.

  • Evaluate Bounded Contexts: Look for subdomains within the larger domain that have their own distinct and meaningful models. This could be based on business processes, customer segments, or even geographic locations.

  • Evaluate Teams and Stakeholders: Consider the teams responsible for different parts of the domain and evaluate how their perspectives and goals may influence the design of the bounded contexts.

  • Evaluate Data: Consider the data requirements for each part of the domain and determine whether it can be shared or needs to be kept separate.

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